Bubble Parties became quite the fashion in the late Victorian years. You could do this indoors during the colder months for a little “summery” fun or make a warm summer day fun! Bubbles are always fun! In England at the present time Bubble Parties is one of the favorite amusements. TheContinue Reading

PAINTERS, as a general rule, acknowledge but three primary colors–blue, red, and yellow; and whatever exception ninny be taken to such a statement on scientific grounds, there is no question that such a view of the subject does afford certain practical advantages. It is further assumed, that all other tintsContinue Reading

THE sink is without doubt one of the most essential features in a modern kitchen, but at the same time it has, unfortunately, thus far been a neglected piece of manufacture, being made after a certain accepted form, without any attempt at improvement to overcome the inherent defects of thatContinue Reading

The choice of color for country houses requires the exercise of taste, judgment, and an eye for harmonious combinations. Keeping always in view the general effect, when the fancy begins to range beyond the safe line of the neutral tints, the field for error is so large disastrous that theContinue Reading

A FEW days ago, while passing up Sixth avenue, we saw at the store of Mr. Lesley No. 605 a very neat and useful little article with which the readers of our home department can hardly fail to be pleased. It is nothing more or less than a small, portableContinue Reading

CHASTE yet neat ornaments add much to the appearance of any building, while nakedness on the one hand, and meretricious display on the other are equally displeasing. In very few of the brackets which are seen attached to houses are elegance and simplicity so combined as to produce a pleasingContinue Reading