A Gothic cottage houseplan from the Godey’s Ladies Book for the year 1860. The houseplan is “From original design of Samuel Sloan, Architect, Philadelphia”.Continue Reading

  “The design here shown was planned for and built by a banker in Ohio. It is somewhat on the colonial order, as carried out by both the front and side porch and the interior treatment as well, with columned openings dividing the hall and parlor. A very charming featureContinue Reading

“WHEN we do mean to build a domicil, We first survey the plot, then draw the model; And when we see the figure of the house, We then compute the cost of the erection, Which, if we find outweighs ability, What do we then but draw again the model ?”Continue Reading

In districts where the color of the brick is of a sombre hue, and not too bright a red, you need not resort to painting; it certainly is not necessary for the preservation of the material, and if left in its natural state is productive of a very pleasing effect,Continue Reading

In localities where lumber is plenty and saw-mills conveniently near, the strongest, most weather-tight walls, as well as those most easy of construction, are formed of plank of any thickness, and three and four inches wide, laid alternately on their sides, every other plank to project on the inside, andContinue Reading