Sweet mulberries! The late Victorians considered the Mulberry an “old fashioned” fruit! It had been all the rage during the 1840’s and 1850’s. Read more to find out what “The Garden” had to say in 1894 about the mulberry and a little bit about it’s history. Continue Reading

An article by Milton Bradley, the now widely known game manufacturer, published in 1894 by Good Housekeeping. Few realize that Milton Bradley was a publisher, manufacturer of games, an author, and even developed a system for teaching color in schools known as the Bradley system. This article specifically deals withContinue Reading

BEDS AND BEDDING. I.– The Bedroom. How about the bedrooms? There is no more important question than this, in connection with the building, engagement or arrangement of a living place for the family. Unfortunately, it is a question which is too often overlooked or ignored. We pay much attention toContinue Reading

June and Strawberries Half a dozen people, more or less, have been credited with the saying, “Doubtless, God could have made a better berry, but doubtless God never did;” and the declaration regarding this most delicious and wholesome of all berries, goes without questioning, no matter by whom it wasContinue Reading

Most young housekeepers take a deep interest in the furnishing and equipment of their tables — not alone with the food supplies which are there to be served, the dishes which are to contain them, the appointments which are to make everything neat and cozy but as well and especiallyContinue Reading