Some times ago, I was gifted with some antique lace curtains which now hang in my old home. So I was on a quest to learn how they used to wash these delicate items. Here is one article I found in how they would clean them as part of the fall cleaning routine. Continue Reading

Very many steps can be saved by condensing things into smaller spaces. To have things in reaching distance saves a great many steps, and every housekeeper should study to do that in all her work. The miles of ground the house mother goes over in the performance of her dailyContinue Reading

Sweet mulberries! The late Victorians considered the Mulberry an “old fashioned” fruit! It had been all the rage during the 1840’s and 1850’s. Read more to find out what “The Garden” had to say in 1894 about the mulberry and a little bit about it’s history. Continue Reading

Spring is soon to come and that has us getting the itch to pack away the coats, scarves & mittens until next Autumn. This article is how one source suggested in managing this task. In careful preparation it was hoped you may not discover your garments moth eaten and ready for the rag bag when you next pulled them out.Continue Reading

Just an interesting little article written by “A Lover of Coffee” which discusses the sentiments of good coffee and even a preference of certain coffee substitutes, chicory being one of them. To round out the article they included a dozen tips on all things coffee. [P.S. Be sure to check back on the 1st of February for a coffee themed freebie!]Continue Reading