Spring flowers are abounding and now what to do with them once you cut them and display in your home! A short article on what type of vase or container to use with which kind of flowers. Also a few tips on keeping your flowers longer when displayed in vases. Continue Reading

IT seems as if there could be nothing new in fabrics, so great has been the variety before; but beautiful new goods, with soft twills, fine diagonal reps, rough surfaces, and wrought figures lie temptingly on every counter. Cashmere will not be quite so fashionable this season as it hasContinue Reading

In the old days of wainscots, when every room of any pretensions to elegance was banded with light or dark wood to height of three or four feet from the base, it was far easier to effectively ornament the portion of wall left uncovered, than it is when an unbrokenContinue Reading

WHEN Mr. Ruskin chronicled the “Ethics of Dust,” he should have devoted a large portion of his space to the modern floor. The popular theory of a floor, reduced to practice, amounts to this: it is the principal dust-trap of the room. Being of soft and porous wood, its cracksContinue Reading