A FEW days ago, while passing up Sixth avenue, we saw at the store of Mr. Lesley No. 605 a very neat and useful little article with which the readers of our home department can hardly fail to be pleased. It is nothing more or less than a small, portable refrigerator, which can be carried from room to room as circumstances may require. It has a reservoir for ice at the top, with a silver-plated faucet for drawing off the water. Below the ice is the cooling apartment, which is chilled to a low degree by the ice above. This apartment is provided with a door having a good lock. The sides and door are filled with charcoal, and the whole article is beautifully grained in oak. For the sick-room, hospitals, the sideboard, and for people boarding who can not have access to a large refrigerator, this little cabinet affair is especially useful. Indeed, it is so small, portable, and convenient, that it would make a capital addition to a suit of chamber furniture; for oft in the stilly night would it be found useful, when one is not in the mood or in the costume to descend to the kitchen for a refreshing drink.