In localities where lumber is plenty and saw-mills conveniently near, the strongest, most weather-tight walls, as well as those most easy of construction, are formed of plank of any thickness, and three and four inches wide, laid alternately on their sides, every other plank to project on the inside, andContinue Reading

A FEW days ago, while passing up Sixth avenue, we saw at the store of Mr. Lesley No. 605 a very neat and useful little article with which the readers of our home department can hardly fail to be pleased. It is nothing more or less than a small, portableContinue Reading

CHASTE yet neat ornaments add much to the appearance of any building, while nakedness on the one hand, and meretricious display on the other are equally displeasing. In very few of the brackets which are seen attached to houses are elegance and simplicity so combined as to produce a pleasingContinue Reading

This is a very important matter in a country like the United States, where there is so much change of domicile, and that particularly in a city like New York on the first of May. Floors dirty enough to make housekeepers desperate when they think of the bare possibility ofContinue Reading