I found this article entitled the Art of Stay Making while perusing Peterson’s Magazine. This article is dated 1855 and gives instructions on how to make stays for corsets. I thought this could be useful for those making authentic costumes or for doll’s clothing. In pursuing our intention of givingContinue Reading

More ideas on pot holders… “A Good cook is not likely to use her apron for a holder, but it is often a temptation to do so, unless she has a good supply of holders. Not only should there be enough for present use but some in the pantry drawersContinue Reading

Very few think of using the old-fashioned blue or brown denims in house furnishing, and yet in many places it is very durable and really pretty. It makes a neat carpet for a bedroom, study, or any room where there is not too much wear on the carpet. If blueContinue Reading

As the colors of fall emerge many of us go about feeling the need to decorate or “spruce” up our homes with fall colors and decorations. It’s a warmth and perhaps comfort that reminds us we are going to be settling down for winter soon. And it adds that littleContinue Reading

KITCHEN HOLDERS. Make three kitchen holders, one to put away with the ironing apparatus, two others, to be hung up, one each side, under the kitchen mantle piece, so as to be ready for lifting pots and kettles off the fire, or taking hold of the hot handle of aContinue Reading

IT seems as if there could be nothing new in fabrics, so great has been the variety before; but beautiful new goods, with soft twills, fine diagonal reps, rough surfaces, and wrought figures lie temptingly on every counter. Cashmere will not be quite so fashionable this season as it hasContinue Reading