You can order a reprint of this company’s [Julius & Ives] catalogue at Sirlampsalot Publications . The reprint includes 5 catalogues between the years 1868 to 1883.Continue Reading

INDIANAPOLIS, Dec. 20, 1849. Messrs. EDITORS?The remarks in your excellent paper of Dec. 15th, upon washing and labor-saving soap, induce me to send for insertion the following recipe, which I have followed for a long time with complete success 1 lb. of sal soda, 1 lb. common bar soap, andContinue Reading

IT is by no means a matter of indifference what toys are put into the hands of children, since their young minds receive permanent impressions from the objects with which they are surrounded in early years. We think a few hints, addressed to parents, on this subject, will not beContinue Reading