This is a charming costume for a miss. It is of pink silk, delicately tinted as a rose leaf. The skirt is composed of six flounces, the upper one forming a sort of basquine to the waist. These flounces are button-holed on the edges in small scallops, and embroidered inContinue Reading

Plaster ceiling medallions were first introduced in America in the 18th century. Some know them as rosettes and occasionally they were referred to as “Plaster Centers”. These ceiling centerpieces reached a zenith of popularity in the 19th century. The bigger the room the bigger the medallion was. However, the lowerContinue Reading

This open pocket is intended to be hung on the toilet glass — rather a novelty in its way. The cardboard shape is covered with peacock blue plush, on which a branch of eglantine is embroidered in floss silks. The flowers and buds are in shaded pinks, the stems green,Continue Reading

A beautiful example of a Victorian netted curtain from 1858. Instructions are given in how to recreate this very pretty window dressing yourself. So if you are handy with needlecraft then this is for you. Material–One and a half pounds of Knitting Cotton, No. 10. Meshes–No. 12 and 14 BellContinue Reading

The braided rug is still ever so popular today. Even in my babyhood I sat playing on a very large braided rug at my grandmother’s house. They have found their place in homes for generations now. They have indeed stood the test of time in practicality, charm, and sturdiness. IContinue Reading