Exterior Color.-For the outside painting of country houses, quiet, neutral tints should generally be chosen. The various shades of fawn, drab, gray, and brown, are all very suitable. All the positive colors, such as red, yellow, blue, green, black, and white, should always be avoided. Nothing can be in worseContinue Reading

Exactly 150 years ago this was the fashion for December FIGURE 1 is a dress of rich light-blue taffeta, with flounces of velours epingle, representing tangled beds of roses, in their natural colors. The berthe and sleeves are similar in design, but narrower. The berthe forms epaulettes on the shoulders,Continue Reading

Still on the topic of an early Victorian bedroom, it was suggested in the book The Architecture of Country Houses good furniture could be purchased from Edward Hennessey of Boston. It described a small bedroom set like this: “This furniture is remarkable for its combination of lightness and strength, andContinue Reading

When most of us think of the early Victorian era, we think of highly ornamental furniture and decor. However the book ‘The Architecture of Country Houses‘ published in 1859, suggests that the highly gilded, ornate furnishings and details should be left to city dwellings. The mindset of cottage homes wasContinue Reading

INDIANAPOLIS, Dec. 20, 1849. Messrs. EDITORS?The remarks in your excellent paper of Dec. 15th, upon washing and labor-saving soap, induce me to send for insertion the following recipe, which I have followed for a long time with complete success 1 lb. of sal soda, 1 lb. common bar soap, andContinue Reading

Victorian Mother and Baby Image Courtesy of OldDesignShop

I WOULD wish every mother to pay attention to the difference between a course of action, adopted in compliance with the authority, and between a conduct pursued for the sake of another. The first proceeds from reasoning; the second flows from affection. The first may be abandoned, when the immediateContinue Reading