The accompanying illustration, which represents a bath-room interior fitted with the latest and most approved modern conveniences and sanitary appliances, forces directly upon the mind a realization of the great progress that has been made in all that relates to household sanitation during the past ten years. The revolution that has been made within this brief period is simply astonishing. Such subjects as the piping, plumbing, bath-room, water-closet and other household conveniences but a few years ago were not esteemed worthy the attention of the architect or house owner, and were relegated to the tender mercies of the plumber. Today they are held to be of as much importance as the solidity of the foundations and other essential parts of the structure. The intelligent interest shown very generally in such things is one of the best evidences we have of the diffusion of sound, wholesome ideas respecting the important connection existing between them and the health of the inmates of the house.
With the very great and general improvement in the efficiency of the safeguards against the evils of imperfect drainage which this wholesome public interest has called forth, has come hand in hand a similar improvement in artistic surroundings, and the view given herewith of a bathroom interior, from the design of the well-known J. L. Mott Iron Works, will not fail to gratify the taste of the most fastidious.
The bath proper is the admirable Mott Imperial porcelain bath, which we had occasion some time ago to characterize as one of the best sanitary appliances lately brought out. In place of this, the porcelain-lined bath, an excellent and less expensive substitute, is suggested as an alternative. In addition there is furnished also a foot-bath, which will be found a very convenient accessory. The room is likewise furnished with the ?Hygeia? water-closet, and with a wash-stand with oval basin. The wood-work is of mahogany, and the whole finished in a very artistic style, the entire setting combining elegance with comfort. We are indebted for this illustration to the manufacturers, the J. L. Mott Iron Works, of 88 and 90 Beckman street, New York.
– Taken from Manufacturer and Builder March 1884