The attention that of late years has been bestowed upon all matters relating to public and domestic sanitation, has given us not only healthier towns and dwellings, but has had the incidental advantage of educating the public up to a better appreciation of the character and importance of sanitary measures and appliances. The result is that public buildings and private dwellings to-day are supplied with improvements and conveniences of this character that a few years ago were quite unknown. The public have come to know and understand their value, and no modern dwelling can command a permanent tenant unless it can offer them the inducement of improved sanitary arrangements.
As an appropriate commentary upon these remarks, we present herewith a view of a bath-room interior, fitted up with the most approved modern appliances. For this excellent illustration we are indebted to the manufacturers, the J. L. Mott Iron Works, of this city, who rank among the leading makers of improved sanitary goods in the country. The engraving represents a bath-room fitted up with the latest and best sanitary appliances?namely, Mott?s Imperial and porcelain-lined baths, and the Hygeia and Demarest water-closet. This interior has been designed by their own artist, and is a fac-simile of appliances as shown fitted up in their show-rooms, the woodwork being in mahogany, with hand-painted tiles. The superior quality of these baths, as compared with all kinds of metal tubs, hardly needs general to he demonstrated. They are molded and glazed in one piece. They are non-absorbent of moisture, unaffected by atmospheric agencies, such as oxidation, etc., which speedily attack and deteriorate wood, zinc and other metal goods of this character. Durability is not, however, their sole advantage, for in respect to cleanliness they are beyond comparison superior to all others having surfaces of wood or metal. They entail no labor in cleaning, a simple wiping with a sponge or cloth being all that is required to obtain a perfectly clean surface. To every one, in fact, who is at all observant, the merits of a smooth glazed porcelain surface for these necessities of the household will be apparent. The demand for these superior goods, not only for private dwellings, but likewise for hotels and public institutions, is reported to us to be constantly on the increase, the facilities of the manufacturers having of late been severely taxed to enable them to supply the demand for their home trade and for export.
The Hygeia and Demarest water-closets have already received a detailed description in our columns, and no further remarks respecting them are therefore necessary, save to add that they are in quality as fair a representation of the high grade goods of this representative firm as the porcelain bath with which it is shown in company. The address of the manufacturers is the J. L. Mott Iron Works, 88 and 90 Beekman street, New York, to whom those of our readers who seek further information are referred.