In 1888 a description of these dolls was given in the St.Nicholas magazine for children. They belonged to a Mrs. L. D. Bradish and had been a gift from her big brother in 1827! Continue Reading

Sand tables have made their way into preschools today but its not a new idea! Learn a little history of the sand box and sand table where education meets fun! Continue Reading

IT is by no means a matter of indifference what toys are put into the hands of children, since their young minds receive permanent impressions from the objects with which they are surrounded in early years. We think a few hints, addressed to parents, on this subject, will not beContinue Reading

An interesting article from the perspective of a “bachelor uncle” on the pros and cons of being the second born. Of course at the end of the article he gives his reason of why he is such an expert on the topic. His article was published 1855 in Harper’s MonthlyContinue Reading