So much has recently been written and printed regarding sheets, pillow-slips and other white clothes for the bed that it may be quite as well to dismiss them with a few words. In the great majority of cases, even those favored housewives who have GOOD HOUSEKEEPING as a guide, areContinue Reading

Jam Jars, Glass Jars, Tumblers, and Pails from 1894

A SERIOUS JAR. If Jem is the same as Jim, And G sounds the same as J, Then between a Gem, and Jim, and Jem, What is the difference, pray ? We read about Gem Jars, — Jars made for holding jam. Then, are these Gem jars jim jam jars?Continue Reading

To every woman who does her own housework, “those porches” are a daily nightmare — particularly in dry, dusty weather. Mopping is wet, dirty work — hard alike on hands, clothes and temper. To avoid this vexation of spirit, try the plan given below: Buy a yard and a quarterContinue Reading

The excerpt below is about a Mrs. A. T. Ames who was elected as Deputy Sheriff in Belvidere, Boone County Illinois. After a quick search of the 1880 and 1900 census I found Albert T Ames, Sheriff in 1880 for the aforesaid location. He was born in New York andContinue Reading

A spicy magazine article, entitled “Skeletons in Closets,” enters complaint against the omnipresent shoe bag; protesting against ” wall pockets nailed inside closet doors, for holding boots and shoes,” saying, ” It is the worst possible plan yet devised for keeping them,” and inviting suggestions for something better in itsContinue Reading

When one owns a home in the country which is only tenanted during the warm summer months, it is possible to furnish it in an entirely different style from that of a house used at all seasons. The color scheme should be suggestive of coolness and rest, and an airContinue Reading