First Course.

1 Cod’s Head.
2 Soup Sante.
3 Roast Beef.
4 Scotch Collops.
5 Leg of Lamb.
6 Plumb Pudding.
7 Petit Patties.
8 Boiled Chickens.
9 Tongue.

Second Course.

1 Roast Turkey.
2 Jellies.
3 Woodcocks.
4 Marinated Smelts.
5 Leg of Lamb.
6 Almond Cheese-cakes.
7 Minced Pies.
8 Larks.
9 Lobsters.

First Course.

1 Dish of Fish.
2 Pease Soup.
3 Fillet of Veal.
4 Chickens.
5 French Pye.
6 Beef Collops.
7 Ham.
8 Rump of Beef a la Daube.
9 Marrow Pudding.

Second Course.

1 Wild Fowls.
2 Epergne.
3 Hare.
4 Cardoons.
5 Scolloped Oysters.
6 Tartlets.
7 Stewed Pippins.
8 Ragout Melle.
9 Artichoke Bottoms.

First Course.

1 Stew’d Carp or Tench.
2 Soup Lorrain.
3 Chine of Mutton and Stewed Celery.
4 Sheeps Rumps.
5 Beef Steak Pye.
6 Veal Collops.
7 Lambs Fry.
8 Almond Pudding.
9 Calves Ears.

Second Course.

1 A Poulard Larded.
2 A Trifle.
3 Tame Pigeons.
4 Blanchmange.
5 Ragou’d Sweetbreads.
6 Craw-fish,
7 Prawns.
8 Fricasee of Rabbits.
9 Sweet Pears stewed

First Course.

1 Crimp Cod & Smelts
2 Spring Soup.
3 Loin of Veal.
4 Boiled Chickens.
5 Pigeon Pie.
6 Small Puddings.
7 Cutlets a la Maintenon.
8 Beef Trembling.
9 Tongue.

Second Course.

1 Ducklings.
2 Jellies and Syllabubs.
3 Ribs of Lamb.
4 Asparagus.
5 Roast Sweet-breads.
6 Tansy.
7 Black Caps.
8 Oyster Loaves.
9 Mushrooms.

First Course.

1 Calverts Salmon broiled.
2 Vermicelli Soup.
3 Chine of Lamb.
4 Rabbits with Onions.
5 Pigeon Pie raised.
6 Ox Palates.
7 Collared Mutton.
8 Breast of Veal Ragout.
9 Pudding.

Second Course

1 Green Goose.
2 Epergne.
3 Roast Chickens.
4 Asparagus.
5 Green Goosebery Tart.
6 Lamb Cutlets.
7 Cocks Combs.
8 Custards.
9 Stewed Celery.

First Course.

1 Turbot.
2 Green Pease Soup.
3 Haunch of Venison.
4 Chickens.
5 Lamb Pie.
6 Veal Cutlets.
7 Harrico.
8 Ham.
9 Orange Pudding.

Second Course.

1 Turkey Poults.
2 Apricot Puffs.
3 Fruit.
4 Cherry Tart.
5 Roasted Rabbits.
6 Peas.
7 Fricasee of Lamb.
8 Smelts.
9 Lobsters.

First Course.

1 Mackarel, &c.
2 Herb Soup.
3 Boiled Goose and Stew’d Red Cabbage.
4 Breast of Veal à la Braise.
5 Venison Pasty.
6 Chickens.
7 Lemon Pudding.
8 Neck of Venison.
9 Mutton Cutlets.

Second Course.

1 Roast Turkey.
2 Fruit.
3 Roast Pigeons.
4 Stewed Peas.
5 Sweet-breads.
6 Custards.
7 Apricot Tart.
8 Fricasee of Rabbits.
9 Cucumbers.

First Course.

1 Stewed Soals.
2 Craw-fish Soup.
3 Fillet of Veal.
4 Chickens.
5 French Patty.
6 Scotch Collops.
7 Turkey à la Daube.
8 Marrow Pudding.
9 Tongue.

Second Course.

1 Roast Ducks.
2 Jellies.
3 Leveret.
4 Macaroni.
5 Cheese-Cakes.
6 Matelot of Eels.
7 Fillets of Soals.
8 Apple Pie.
9 Fricasee of Sweet-breads.

First Course.

1 Dish of Fish.
2 Gravy Soup.
3 Roast Beef.
4 Chickens.
5 Pigeon Pie.
6 Harrico of Mutton.
7 Veal Cutlets.
8 Almond Tarts.
9 Ham.

Second Course.

1 Wild Fowls.
2 Fruit.
3 Partridges.
4 Peas.
5 Sweet-breads.
6 Craw-fish.
7 Ragou’d Lobsters.
8 Oyster Loaves.
9 Fried Artichokes.

First Course.

1 Cod and Oyster Sauce.
2 Almond Soup.
3 Tongue and Udder.
4 Jugged Hare.
5 French Patty.
6 Chickens.
7 Small puddings.
8 Pork Chops roasted.
9 Torrent de Veal.

Second Course.

1 Pheasants.
2 Jellies.
3 Turkey.
4 Stewed Pears.
5 Roast Lobsters.
6 White Fricasee.
7 Mushrooms.
8 Oyster Loaves.
9 Pippins.

First Course.

1 A dish of Fish.
2 Vermicelli Soup.
3 Chine of Pork.
4 Veal Cutlets.
5 Boiled Turkey and Oyster Sauce.
6 Beef Collops.
7 Ox Palates.
8 Leg of Lamb and Spinach.
9 Harrico.

Second Course.

1 Woodocks.
2 Fruit.
3 Hare.
4 Sheep’s Rumps.
5 Oyster Patty.
6 Blanchmange.
7 Crocant.
8 Ragou’d Lobsters.
9 Lamb’s Ears.

First Course.

1 Cod’s Head.
2 Stewed Beef.
3 Chine of Lamb.
4 Chickens.
5 Pudding.
6 Veal Collops.
7 Lambs Fry.
8 Calf’s Feet Pie.
9 Tongue.

Second Course.

1 Wild Fowls.
2 Jellies.
3 Partridges.
4 Larks.
5 Galantine.
6 Prawns.
7 Sturgeon.
8 Savory Cakes.
9 Mushrooms.