The defects of many of the ordinary pipe-wrenches are that they are heavy, not easy of adjustment, apt to slip, and even sometimes crush the pipe. A pipe-wrench not subject to these drawbacks, but light, easily adjusted, and of such a form that it cannot possibly either slip or crush the pipe, is therefore a much to be desired tool, and such it is claimed is the pipe-wrench which we represent in the adjoined engraving. It is made of the best tool steel, carefully tempered, and handsomely finished and polished.

The smallest size is suitable for a 1/8 to 1 inch pipe, and costs $2.50. The cut represents it at about one-half the natural size. A is a bar, having a disk B at its upper end, and on one side of said disk is made the small and stationary jaw of the wrench. This is all in one piece, forged solid from bar steel. D is a movable jaw, and consists of a disk; E, pierced with a series of holes e e, around the center or pivot hole. This jaw is curved in like manner to the stationary jaw, and both have their contact surfaces toothed at the proper angle to give the greatest possible “bite.” G is a bar like A, and has a disk H at its upper end, which is offset from the bar to give space between the disks B and H for the disk E to lie in when the bars A and B are together. The disk H has two pins i i, which enter two of the holes e e when the wrench is put together. Through all the disks is a pivot-hole for the bolt J, which holds the wrench together and on which the movable jaw turns. To adjust the wrench for various sizes of pipes or bolts, the nut on the bolt J is loosened sufficiently to raise the disk H, withdrawing the pins i i from the holes, and turning the bar C to the right or left and inserting them in other holes and again turning the nut down. By this means the wrench is quickly and easily adjusted for use. The jaws are thus opened, so that when the bars are in line together the wrench is not made to pinch the pipe any harder, which would incline to press the pipe out of shape, but by bearing on the bars to turn the pipe the movable jaw inclines to grip the pipe in proportion to the power necessary to turn it, and the grip is such that it is impossible for them to slip.

The Hull & Belden Co., of Danbury, Conn., who call this tool the “Climax” pipe-wrench, have been very successful in introducing it in the trade, and the demand for it has become extensive.