I don’t know why but I am always fascinated in old packaging & wrapping techniques. Maybe its because these are hard to come by now. We have few surviving examples and some are just lost forever. Then too just like psychology goes into how we package things today to marketContinue Reading

Ever wonder how much sugar those in the 1800’s would use? Have you ever heard of Sugar Cones? Well this article is a little history about sugar cones and how they were wrapped in the 19th century. Complete with a couple memoirs, some recycling advice for the wrappers and even learn a little about a common brand from the grocery store! Continue Reading

WRAPPING PAPER. The use of wrapping paper as store advertising is a practice that is very generally followed, though not as much since the advent of the roll wrapping paper, which, by the way, can be had printed just as well as the sheet paper can. Some stores make itContinue Reading

In many stores we have seen window displays of small kitchen wares, they being usually laid on the show window floor. It is a somewhat difficult method of display, as they do not stand out sufficiently prominent. Kieffer Brothers utilize the method indicated in the accompanying illustration. The boards areContinue Reading