BEDS AND BEDDING. I.– The Bedroom. How about the bedrooms? There is no more important question than this, in connection with the building, engagement or arrangement of a living place for the family. Unfortunately, it is a question which is too often overlooked or ignored. We pay much attention toContinue Reading

After we have done the best possible with the bedroom, we come to the chief article within that very useful apartment — the bed, and its makeup. The first thing to be considered is the bedstead. Fortunately, this is a much less pretentious and elaborate affair than a generation orContinue Reading

Still on the topic of an early Victorian bedroom, it was suggested in the book The Architecture of Country Houses good furniture could be purchased from Edward Hennessey of Boston. It described a small bedroom set like this: “This furniture is remarkable for its combination of lightness and strength, andContinue Reading

When most of us think of the early Victorian era, we think of highly ornamental furniture and decor. However the book ‘The Architecture of Country Houses‘ published in 1859, suggests that the highly gilded, ornate furnishings and details should be left to city dwellings. The mindset of cottage homes wasContinue Reading

“Chambers” The walls of bedrooms should be decorated in light tints and shadings, with a narrow rail and deep frieze. Most housekeepers prefer rugs and oiled floors to carpets, but this is a matter of individual taste. Rugs are as fashionable as they are wholesome and tidy. These floor coveringsContinue Reading