Improved Sanitary Appliances. (Water-Closet)

We exhibit in the accompanying illustration one of the recent improvements in water-closets manufactured by the J. L. Mott Iron Works, of 88 and 90 Beekman street, New York, one of the leading houses in this country in this branch of manufacture.

The closet shown is of the wash-out pattern, with back outlet, and is provided with simple and effective water-seal, and patented improvements for providing sewer and seat ventilation of the most positive and reliable kind.

The present form and construction of this closet?which the makers call the Inodor is claimed to be the result of a series of tests and careful examinations of all the closets heretofore manufactured on the wash-out principle. The makers have sought in this design to obtain as large a volume of water in the bowl as possible, and how far they have succeeded in this may be inferred from the fact that the space covered in the Inodoro is 15 x 10 x 1 1/4 inches. The flushing rim is designed, also, to give the greatest wash-out force with the use of the least quantity of water.

The cabinet-work and fixtures of the closet are modified to suit the taste and purse of the purchaser; but each closet is furnished with the makers? patent brass inlet, brass vent coupling, and polished brass lag-bolt and washers.

The variety exhibited by our illustration has a white or ivory-tinted ?all porcelain? bowl (the body of the closet, with trap and pedestal being of a single piece of porcelain). The closet has an open seat. It is provided with a cabinet-finish, copper-lined cistern, japanned brackets, and nickel-plated chain and pull. Set up in this manner?that is, entirely open, without any cabinet-work except the walnut or cherry seat it realizes to the highest degree, in respect to cleanliness, every feature that sanitary science can suggest as desirable in an appliance of its class.

The makers will send, on application, to those desiring it, an illustrated circular exhibiting the various styles of fitting and setting-up which they employ with this closet.